BRIEF ON IRAN No. 571 Monday, January 13, 1997 Representative Office of The National Council of Resistance of Iran Washington, DC Extensive Clashes in Western Iran, Iran Zamin News Agency, January 12 In a statement issued on Sunday, the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran reported that in recent days, a number of clashes took place between the Mojahedin and the forces of the mullahs' regime in the provinces of Kermanshah, Ilam and Khuzistan. The statement said the residents of various cities and villages had "arisen in support of the Mojahedin and a large number of the regime's Guards and agents have been killed or wounded." Six Mojahedin members and 15 of its sympathizers, who had risen in support of the Mojahedin, were also killed. A number of others, whose exact number is not known, were arrested and executed secretly by the regime forces, the statement said. The satetment said that the mullahs' Ministery of Intelligence announcewd news of the Mojahedin's clash yesterday with the regim's "Security Forces" in Dehloran and falsely claimed that six Mojahedin with military equipment intended to cross the border from Iraq. Refinery Workers to Go on Strike, Radio France International, January 11 The deadline for beginning an open-ended strike by the workers of refineries in Tehran, Tabriz, Shiraz and Isfahan is about to arrive. Petroleum workers at these refineries went on a two-day strike on December 18th and 19th. That strike was a warning, and the workers announced that if their demands are not met by January 18th, they will go on an open-ended strike.... The workers want some modifications and full implementation of the Cooperative Covenant which allows for some benefits for the workers due to their difficult working circumstances.... High Prices in Iran, Radio Israel, January 8 According to an official report of the Islamic Republic's Central Bank, price of essential goods in Iran increase on a weekly basis. The report, published in Tehran, says in the past seven days the price of eggs increased by 3%, that of sugar and sugar cane by 6% and milk powder bay 11%. Overview The Threat of Mullahs Voice of America, January 11 Host: ...The Iranian government is the principal state sponsor of international terrorism. Iran continues to try to destroy the middle east peace process. And Iran has intensified its efforts to develop or acquire weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons. In response, the U.S. has halted all trade with and investment in Iran.... Let me begin with you [Ms. Alina Romanowski Director of Near East And South Asian Affairs at the U.S. Department of Defense] by asking in what way Iran today presents a threat to the vital interests of the United States and how the United States is then countering that threat? Ms. Romanowski: I think you highlighted some of them in your opening statement. Iran continues to be disruptive to the peace process.... It continues to sponsor terrorist groups that undertake terrorism against Israel. The Iranians also continue to attempt to build their weapons of mass destruction capabilities. And [they] are very keen and very interested in acquiring that capability. And the Iranians continue to pose a threat to the stability of the region by supporting subversive groups, threaten the stability of governments in the region along with our gulf allies. And, most worrisome to us is, again, their efforts to acquire weapons of mass destruction. So they are very much a threat to our interests, not only in the region, but worldwide. In may of 1995, President Clinton did place an embargo on all trade and commercial activity with the Iranians. Our policy is to acquire as much international pressure on Iran to alter its unacceptable behavior. And we do that through a very active dialogue with our European allies, our coalition allies in the region as well as Russia, China and others. We have taken many unilateral steps, one of which was President Clinton's embargo.... Host: Let's talk about the nature of the threat from Iran in a military fashion for a moment. Iran seems to have undertaken a conventional military modernization program, particularly in the naval area with the acquisition of fast-attack boats from China, sea-to-sea missiles and so forth. is that significant in terms of U.S. interests in the Straits of Hormuz and the free flow of oil? Are you worried about Iran's conventional capabilities?... Ms. Romanowski: We certainly are monitoring that and looking at it closely. We are worried. Many of our discussions with our allies and Russia and China are designed actually to limit the kinds of conventional weapons and arm sales to that region. The naval modernization plans that they have certainly increase the prospects of the Iranians to do harassment against naval shipping, to certainly make it a nuisance for us in the region. It is of concern to us.... I think one of the Iranians' aims, certainly in a regional context, is they are interested in very much dominating, militarily, the Gulf....