Iranian Resistance calls for the closure of mullahs' embassy and punishment of regime's spies in The Netherlands

The Dutch intelligence agency confirmed in its report yesterday that the mullah regime's security and intelligence agents in the Netherlands had harassed the Iranian refugees and asylum seekers in that country.

The National Council of Resistance calls on the Dutch government to arrest and punish the spies and agents of the Khomeini reigme's intelligence ministry and close the mullahs' embassy and representative offices in that country as their only task is spying on the political refugees and carrying out terrorist operations against them.

The Dutch intelligence report was issued in the wake of a Foreign Ministry report a short while ago, in which the ministry announced Iran as a safe country where refugees are not jeopardized in case of extradition. The Dutch intelligence agency report once again reveals that the Foreign Minstry's report has nothing to do with the actual situation in Iran but demonstrates the policy of appeasing of a regime which has been so far condemned 37 times by the different organs of the United Nations for its flagrant violations of the most fundamental rights of its citizens and export of terrorism.

When even the non political refugees are not immune from the tentacles of the regime's intelligence agents in a foreign country, how can one claim that they are safe in Iran under the absolute rule of the mullahs?

The National Council of Resistance of Iran holds the government of the Netherlands accountable for the safety of Iranian asylum seekers who if returned to Iran will face certain arrest, imprisonment, torture, and execution.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran - Paris
June 7, 1996

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