Battle for Islamabad Part 4

The regime's casualties on the northern and southern heights, around the gas station on the Islamabad-Kermanshah road, and while landing under the fire of the NLA's artillery battalions, surpassed 2,200.

At around 7 am, Wednesday, the commanders of the Guards Corps divisions complained by wireless of excessive casualties and demanded helicopters to transfer the wounded behind the lines. Guards Corps Commander Mohsen Reza'i, on the other end, agreed and ordered the commanders to report on their situation every 10 minutes. The 27th and 57th divisions asked for immediate reinforcements. A new reinforcement brigade joined the 57th Abolfazl division before noon.

The enemy lost a large amount of arms, including DShK heavy machine guns, 106mm recoilless rifles, 23mm double barreled anti-aircraft guns, 60mm mortars, and RPG rocket launchers. The NLA combatants turned some of the seized weapons on the enemy. Khomeini's forces, transported overland, also lost at least 70 vehicles of various kinds.

At 1:45 pm, Kermanshah's high command was still questioning the commander of the 27th division, Kossari, to find out why his forces had withdrawn: Had the NLA pushed him back, or had he merely run short of ammunition?!




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